Co-working spaces can be one of the most commercial activities affected by the new Corona virus .. Through my reading of the current situation, I would like to refer to you with some variables that have occurred in the industry in general ..!
The negative impact:
1- Let us agree that, of course, reducing capacity is one of the first factors affecting income for common work spaces that are committed to social distancing.
2- The loss of an important source of income for work spaces, which are the events of large numbers +50 individuals, which formed a large part of the Revenue for some places.
3- Most of the company owners went to work from home, and they could not renew the memberships of the private offices in the work areas.
4- The beginning of the emergence of a wave of discontent from the surrounding environment because it attracts visitors daily, and therefore the possibility that some of the visitors are affected is great.
5- The increase in the costs of sterilizers and masks for visitors and the like, and of course the return is lower, so it has become in places that barely cover their expenses.
In addition to a local aspect, which is that it is classified in the minds of some people as an educational center and is currently in a local trend to close the educational center.
The positive side is somewhat:
1- In the process of filtration it takes place in work spaces and thus places to offer high quality, but come on to complement it.
2- Some companies stood their private offices at the beginning of the crisis, and now they started to revolve around work spaces as their headquarters, and consequently the demand for private offices appeared, which is a very important source of income for some places.
3- Increasing the demand for virtual offices, because many companies will start operating from home, but they will need to be legally registered through work spaces, and therefore the Revenue Stream is very important and has begun to be active.
4- Increase the demand for online meetings, and that an individual needs a room alone in order to be able to do meeting or present content through the place.
5- The emergence of an alternative that can be provided by work spaces such as additional business models, such as a furniture affiliate and some online tools that you can distribute to customers through shared subscription.
If you are the owner of a workspace, share with us what is the different situation you currently have!
And if you are one of the pioneers of work spaces, share with us, are you afraid to leave the Co-working space at the moment!
The owners of companies are still workers from the home, and the work space has not become a better solution for you