Empower 2030 Leaders

Empower 2030 Leaders

Empower 2030 Leaders is an educational project in collaboration with the US embassy, and Amideast, and managed by a group of US department Alumni as part of Give It Back program. The project is mainly focusing on raising awareness about the UN 2030 agenda and Egypt 2030 vision through capacity building trainings, advocacy small events, networking events, and Youth summits. The project is a hub for leaders working in the sustainable development sector.
We provided 50 young leaders with hybrid training (3-day in-person and 2 day-online).
We empowered them to implement a one-day sustainable event.
They provided a talk about their work in the closing ceremony.
Flux co-working space offered a professional environment for project teams to work together, network, and share ideas. They also hosted events and workshops relevant to entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses related to Empower 2030 Leaders project. Flux has been fostering a sense of community among the project members by connecting the leaders with potential mentors, collaborators, or partners who share their goals.

Contact Us

01006269484 | admin@fluxcoworking.space


696 Elhorya St , Loran , Alexandria , Egypt

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